AGES Public Health
Our four institutes in Vienna, Linz and Graz investigate, diagnose and monitor communicable diseases in Austria. We support the authorities in clarifying outbreaks of foodborne diseases and assist them in drinking water testing and bath hygiene. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the health of the population in Austria.
Our goal is to protect everyone living in Austria from infectious diseases as well as to meet the health challenges of climate change.
Our tasks
- Assessment, investigation, diagnosis and surveillance of communicable diseases.
- to run reference centers/laboratories and reporting, recording and coordination systems for epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases
- Control and prevention of infectious diseases of humans (including zoonoses) in particular
- through microbiological-hygienic, serological and physico-chemical investigations
- by collecting antibiotic resistance, immunity data and basic epidemiological data
- by the development of vaccination, therapy and action recommendations
- by supporting the health authorities
- participation in national and international committees
- Research and method development
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene Graz
Our focus areas
- Center for foodborne infectious diseases (molecular biological methods in the clarification of foodborne disease outbreaks)
- Human microbiology
- Food microbiology/assessment of foodstuffs
- General microbiology and hygiene/sterility testing of pharmaceutical products
- Veterinary microbiology
- Water inspection body
National reference centers
- Reference laboratory for antibiotic resistance
- National Reference Laboratory & National Reference Center for Campylobacter
- Reference Center for Meningococci, Pneumococci and Haemophilis influenzae
- Reference center for noroviruses
- Reference center for shigellosis
- National reference laboratory for analysis and testing for zoonoses (Salmonella)
- Reference center for botulism
- Reference laboratory for coagulase positive staphylococci including Staphylococcus aureus
- Reference center and reference laboratory for Escherichia coli including verotoxin-producing E. coli
- Reference center for yersiniosis
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene Vienna
Our focus areas
- Center for Anthropogenic Infections: Diagnostics of infectious diseases transmitted from human to human.
- Operation of the EU bathing water database
- Diagnostics of highly pathogenic organisms (bioterrorism)
- Rabies consultation center
- Training center for specialists in hygiene and microbiology
National reference centers
- Reference center for Clostridium difficile
- Reference center for cholera
- Reference center for diphtheria
- Reference center for Legionella
- Reference Center for Listeriosis
- Reference Center for Plague
- Reference Center forPolio
- Reference Center for Tuberculosis
Institute for Hydroanalytics Linz
Our focus
- Inspection body according to EN ISO/IEC 17020 as well as testing body according to EN ISO/IEC 17025
- Inspections of drinking water supply systems, pools, whirlpools and small bathing ponds
- Examination of drinking water, mineral and table water, bathing water (outdoor and indoor pools, therapy pools, etc.), bathing water (small bathing ponds and biotopes), water for medical-pharmaceutical applications (dialysis water, ultrapure water according to PharmEU, steam sterilizers)
- Examination of fecal indicator germs, legionella in hot water
- Analysis of process water (heating and cooling water, boiler feed water)
- Special chemical analysis (heavy metals, PAH, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc.)
- Pesticide residues (pesticide active substances and metabolites)
- Functional tests of water treatment plants (softening, deferrization and disinfection plants)
Dr. Bernhard Benka, MSc
- 43 50 555-37308
1090 Wien
Währingerstraße 25a
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Burkhard Springer
- +43 50 555-61202
8010 Graz
Beethovenstraße 6
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Alexander Indra
- +43 50 555-37111
1090 Wien
Währingerstraße 25a
MO – DO 08.00 - 16.00 Uhr
FR 08.00 - 14.00 Uhr
Karfreitag und Allerheiligen: 08.00 – 12.00 Uhr
Abgabe Wasser- und Hygieneproben:
MO - DO 08.00 - 15.00 Uhr
FR 08.00 - 11.00 Uhr
SA, SO und Feiertage KEINE Probenabgabe
Abgabe humanmedizinische Proben:
MO - DO 08.00 - 15.30 Uhr
FR 08.00 - 13.30 Uhr
SA, SO und Feiertage ist eine Probenabgabe nur nach telefonischer
Rücksprache möglich (050 555 - 37217)
DI - DO 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr
- +43 50 555-37111
1090 Wien
Währingerstraße 25a
1096 Wien
Last updated: 20.01.2025
automatically translated