AGES Management
As a company of the Republic of Austria, we have been committed to the health of people, animals and plants for over 20 years. We have been pursuing the One Health approach since our foundation. Our two managing directors and our employees in 6 business areas, 3 specialist areas and 9 staff units and support areas fulfil the tasks defined in the Austrian Health and Food Safety Act (G ESG) in the areas of public health, animal health, food safety, drug safety, food safety, radiation protection, risk assessment, risk communication and research .
In addition, we provide 3 federal offices(Federal Office for Food Safety - BAES, Federal Office for Safety in Health Care - BASG and Federal Office of Consumer Health - BAVG, which are active in the areas of agriculture, drug safety and consumer health, with all the necessary resources to fulfil their tasks. Our Supervisory Board ensures that we carry out our activities in the best possible way and in the interests of the Austrian people.
The health of humans, animals, plants and the environment is closely interlinked. This One Health approach is at the centre of everything we do.
Our knowledge and daily commitment make AGES an indispensable partner organisation for health and food safety in the European Union
Management Board
Dr Anton Reinl
Priv.-Doz. Dr Johannes Pleiner-Duxneuner
Business areas
Food Safety, Head Bernhard Föger
Radiation Protection, Head Christian Katzlberger
Animal Health, Head Friedrich Schmoll
Public Health, Head Bernhard Benka
Food Safety, Head Friedrich Sövegjarto
Medical Market Surveillance, Head Günter Waxenecker
Specialist areas
Data Statistics and Integrative Risk Assessment, Head Univ.-Doz. DI Dr Klemens Fuchs
Risk communication, Head Univ.-Doz. Ingrid Kiefer
Knowledge Transfer, Applied Research, AGES Academy, Head DI DDr Alois Leidwein
AGES Business Services - Staff Units
Internal Audit, Head Gabriele Jell-Wiesinger, MMSc, MBA
Legal and Insurance Affairs, Head MMag. Dr Gerald Benesch
Office for Tobacco Coordination, Head Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Pleiner-Duxneuner
Integrated Management System, Head Markus Hoffmann, BSc MA
Strategy, Innovation and Project Coordination, Head Elisabeth Lummerstorfer
IT Services, Head Gottfried Scheck, BSc, MSc
Finance, Head Georg Schönberger, MBA
Human Resources, Head Mag. Dr. Sabine Hauer
Facility Management and Purchasing, Head Stefan Frank
Our company in figures (2023)
1 June 2002 as a limited liability company. Wholly owned by the Republic of Austria, represented by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management.
10 locations in 6 cities in Austria
8 test centres
1,677 employees in total (60% women)
489 experts represented on 785 national and international committees
11 members of the Supervisory Board
2 managing directors
17 people at management level 1
53 people at management level 2
Key financial figures
Revenue: EUR 91.4 million
Basic federal grant: EUR 71.7 million
AGES research
131 Ongoing R&D projects
39 Completed R&D projects
Knowledge transfer
134 Education & training events
10.051 participants:inside
592 Lectures & presentations Presentations
101 Popular science publications
176 Scientific publications
EU knowledge transfer projects
EU-FORA: European Food Risk Assessment Fellowship Programme
EU Support to acquis alignment and capacity building of veterinary sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
AGES analyses
607,637 samples
1,563.038 tests
932 accredited methods
74 National Reference Laboratories (NRL)
19 National Reference Centres (NRC)
12 State Laboratories with Special Tasks (STL)
1 Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL)
1 European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL)
3 High Security Laboratories (2 L3 laboratories, 1 L3+ laboratory)
AGES evaluates
43.263 expert opinions
101 risk assessments and scientific opinions for food, drinking water, cosmetics, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), tobacco and medical devices
AGES communicates
1,290,386 visits to the AGES website
4,547 media mentions
69 product recalls/product warnings
8 press releases
94 news articles
35 videos produced in-house
821 social media postings
Last updated: 30.12.2024
automatically translated