The research activities of our experts enable us to better assess risks, to act appropriately in crises and to react promptly to new technical challenges. In addition, they secure our position as an independent, objective expert agency in Austria for issues along the food safety chain and for health issues.
Our tasks
- Development/validation of common EU standards, methods, procedures, platforms, testing and monitoring systems (regulatory procedures and as a basis for parameters in assessment, control and approval).
- Compilation of data and preparation of studies and publications as basis for expert opinions and (risk) assessments
- Studies and publications on public health, one health, animal health, plant health, soil health and food safety
- Education and training formats for authorities and companies along the food chain, on public health and food security issues
- Participation in international capacity building and public consulting projects
AGES Academy
Our tasks
- Organization, support and supervision of events, conferences, courses, training and education activities and programs
- Guiding and supporting delegations on all our topics in coordination with our experts and federal offices
- Participation in research and knowledge transfer projects
Our references in education and training
- Training of food inspection bodies
- Training of official food inspectors
- Official veterinarians
- Official veterinarians (physics course)
- Information measures within the framework of rural development
- Plant protection product expertise for distributors and traders
- Laboratory training for authorities in official QM-assured analytics or on the basis of international standards
- EU-Fora
- Certified according to ISO 9001 (since 2010)
- Ö-Cert quality provider for adult education (since 2014)
- recognized education provider of the BML (since 2015)
DI Mag. DDr. Alois Leidwein
- forschung@ages.at
- +43 50 555-34853
1220 Wien
Spargelfeldstraße 191
Last updated: 21.05.2024
automatically translated