Rural development - further education and training
As a recognized provider of training in rural development, we offer you a variety of advanced and further training measures, information events and further training courses, which are recognized within the framework of the ÖPUL program, with our diverse and comprehensive expert knowledge. Our experts cover a wide range of topics, from cereals and variety evaluation, plant health and plant nutrition, soil, agricultural inputs and their use for sustainable innovative management to animal health and food and feed safety.
The educational offer of our AGES Academy on Rural Development is still young and is constantly being expanded in cooperation with other educational providers and partners - first and foremost the Rural Training Institutes (LFIs).
In the past years, AGES field days could be implemented in presence as well as in an online format.
Education cluster Dialog with society
In 2017, 20 cooperation partners joined forces to form the "Dialogue with Society" education cluster on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Tourism (BMLRT). The common goal of the education cluster is to bring the topics of agriculture, environment and nutrition closer to society - in particular to educators, journalists and consumers. As AGES we are allowed to participate in several projects.
Here you can find all projects as well as information material on many topics.
Within the framework of the education cluster, the project "Landwirt|schaf(f)t|Wissen" was implemented. Through target group specific information and educational materials, a better understanding of agricultural production is to be created. Thus, teaching materials for primary and secondary level I as well as folders for consumers were realized.
Digitalization cluster
The core objective of the digitization cluster, which ran from 2020-2022, was to make digitization usable for Austrian farms. To this end, more than 20 organizations from the agricultural sector worked on technological, ecological and legal topics as well as approaches from the perspective of agricultural knowledge transfer in four pilot projects and took the first steps toward implementation. Specifically, a network of demonstration farms for digital innovations was established with the "Innovation Farm". In addition, the work focused on the increased use of GIS technologies in agricultural advice, the clarification of legal framework conditions and the ecological effects of digital technologies. AGES was involved in the simplification of consulting and farm management (subproject III) as well as in the conception of a simplified assessment of environmental impacts (subproject V).
Digitization cluster 23-24
Due to the success of the cooperation, the cluster will be continued from 2023. Specifically, the consortium is working on two implementation projects:
Innovation Farm - Farming For Future: The Innovation Farm consortium bundles competencies in the field of digitalization in order to promote environmentally compatible further development of agriculture with the help of new technologies.
Merging farm and geographic data for extension: In order to take steps towards efficiency and effectiveness for extension, it is essential to process different data from many different sources. Therefore, the project will process farm-related information, extension-related content such as content from the PSM register, subsidy and legal requirements, and geo-referenced information and make it available in a GIS application for extension. Furthermore, the project will contribute to meeting the requirements of farmers and advisors in terms of technical and digital support, as identified in surveys. Thus, there will also be adaptations and further developments in the PSM register of AGES.

Course offer
You will find the courses offered by our AGES Academy on educational content of LE 14-20 listed chronologically in the calendar of events . Also use the e-learning offers on LE 14-20, on the educational obligations on the ÖPUL measures of the LFI-Austria and the LFIs in the federal provinces.
The educational measures are subsidized under the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 in the funding measure "Knowledge transfer and information measures in agriculture and forestry" with support from the federal government, the provinces and the European Union .
Unterlagen der AGES-Feldtage aus den vergangenen Jahren
AGES-Feldtage 2024:
Online field day with short videos from the Fuchsenbigl experimental station, Wednesday, June 16, 2021.
- Cereals - new and proven varieties in winter and spring cereals for the Pannonian region
- Focus on drought resistance
- Yield protection of wheat & rye in the Pannonian region
- Project KLIMAFIT - Varietal reactions under different irrigation regimes
- Other crops: rye and durum wheat
- Protein crop - soybean
- Maturity groups and varieties for Eastern Austria
- Demands on water supply
- Project KLIMAFIT - Testing for variety differences in drought tolerance
- Sugar beet: The right choice of varieties and nematodes - A topic in Marchfeld
- Soil: Soil moisture, water holding capacity, physical soil properties, tillage, eBOD.
- Nanoviruses on pea and other legumes and warning service of aphid vectors
- Current issues - drought, crop development, pest emergence, etc.
Online field day with short videos from the Großnondorf Experimental Station, Wednesday, June 10, 2020.
- Cereals, DI Clemens Flamm
- Drought, symptoms, wheat trial - very early varieties.
- Wheat - healthy stand
- Winter wheat - sowing time trial
- Trial - spring barley fall cropping
- Sugar beet, Ing. Josef Rieppl
- Value testing sugar beet, nematode tolerant varieties
- Cultivation, herbicide tolerance and pill varieties
- Variety testing station Engelhartstetten and trial field Eckartsau
- Potato, DI Josef Söllinger
- Variety testing, testing criteria, variety trials
- Potato varieties
- Soil, Dr. Georg Dersch
- Electronic soil map, soil erosion by water
Online field day with short videos from the Fuchsenbigl experimental station, Monday, June 22, 2020.
- Cereals, DI Clemens Flamm
- Experimental station Fuchsenbigl, value testing, variety trial winter barley
- Treatment trial winter barley: split plot (fungicide), diseases barley (powdery mildew, dwarf rust, net blotch), stripe disease
- Breeding progress: spring barley old varieties - new varieties
- Winter wheat Ear fusarium
- Presentation on cereals
- Project "Liveseed", DI Angela Thüringer
- Project "Liveseed" - trial on wheat stone blight
- Oil and protein crops, DI Klemens Mechtler
- Current varieties and breeding progress in soybean, oilseed rape & oil pumpkin (stand room)
- Soybean, nitrogen supply in soybean
- Soil, Dr. Adelheid Spiegel, DI Angelika Xaver
- Soil profile
- AGES tillage trial
- Digital soil map (eBOD) - map nitrate retention capacity, usable field capacity, erosion map
Field day at the Hagenberg Experimental Station, Tuesday, June 23, 2020
- Cereals, DI Clemens Flamm
- Current findings from variety trials for the Mühlviertel region
- Yield protection of cereals by fungicides in the Mühlviertel region
- List of trials 2020, Michael Leitner
- Soil, Dr. Georg Dersch
- Soil erosion by water
- Digital soil map (eBOD) - map nitrate retention capacity, usable field capacity, erosion map
Online field day with short videos from the Gleisdorf experimental station, Friday, September 4, 2020.
- Soybean, oil pumpkin, DI Klemens Mechtler
- Soybean - site adapted varieties and cultivation measures
- AGES variety finder, oil pumpkin, soybean
- Maize, DI Hans Felder
- Maize trials and Fusarium trial
- Pests in maize, oil pumpkin & cereals, Mag. Katharina Wechselberger
- Soil, Dr. Georg Dersch
- Soil erosion by water
- Digital soil map (eBOD) - map nitrate retention capacity, usable field capacity, erosion map
- Soil presentation
Last updated: 07.10.2024
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