Health for humans, animals & plants

Bermuda grass benefits from rising temperatures

| 1 min read
Plant Environment

Bermuda grass is adapted to very warm conditions: At high temperatures, it grows exceptionally strongly and forms dense, carpet-like stands.

Bermuda grass is very drought-tolerant and mainly colonises dry ruderal sites, roadsides, railway embankments and pavement cracks. It occurs mainly in Styria (south-eastern Styria), northern Burgenland and eastern Lower Austria and partly along the Danube.

Its importance for agriculture is currently classified as low in Austria. However, climate change is benefiting the plant, which is adapted to very warm conditions: At high temperatures, bermuda grass shows very strong growth. The expected temperature increase will therefore greatly benefit the species, and a strong spread cannot be ruled out. Worldwide, bermuda grass is a dreaded weed, especially in subtropical and tropical regions.

Information on bemuda grass

| 1 min read
Plant Environment

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