Health for humans, animals & plants

Animal ingredients in vegan ready meals

| 1 min read
Main focus Vegetable food

Final Report of Priority Action A-020-18

The aim of the focus action was to verify whether ready meals offered as "vegan" were actually produced without animal ingredients. The products were examined for milk or whey proteins, egg protein, proteins from the animal species poultry, beef, pork and sheep. In addition, each sample was tested for preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids) and contaminants (aluminum, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic). 51 samples from all over Austria were examined. No animal ingredients were found in any sample in quantities that could be assumed to have been added intentionally. Therefore, no sample was objected to. Vegan foods are not products of animal origin; moreover, no ingredients (including additives, carriers, flavors and enzymes) or processing aids of animal origin are used at any stage of production or processing, whether processed or unprocessed. However, unintentional inputs of products of animal origin may occur, which are technically unavoidable despite appropriate precautions. The contamination with animal substances in the final product should not exceed 0.1% in the sum of all detectable animal substances, i.e. not more than one gram per kilo.

| 1 min read
Main focus Vegetable food

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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