Health for humans, animals & plants

Food for special medical purposes

Final Report of Priority Action A-950-19

The objective of the focus action was to specifically review dietary foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs). FSMPs for infant feeding were not reviewed in the course of this year's SPA.

Thirteen samples from across Austria were examined. Although all samples tested were reported as FSMPs, only five products were marketed as FSMPs. The remaining eight samples were marketed as dietary supplements (NEM). Four of the five samples marketed as FSMP were objected to:

  • one sample due to inadmissible disease-related claims, as the declared disease-related claims went far beyond the intended purpose
  • three samples did not comply with the legal requirements in terms of composition
  • Only one sample (oral electrolyte solution for diarrhea according to WHO criteria), which was declared as FSMP, was not objected to.

Foods for special medical purposes, which are designed for special patient groups, are often advertised with inadmissible health claims. In most cases, due to their composition, they are food supplements marketed as FSMPs to circumvent the strict food law prohibitions on disease-related claims.

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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