Health for humans, animals & plants

Chemical cocktails in fish with vegetable garnish - Monitoring

Final report of the priority action A-024-19

The aim of the focus action was to investigate specific food contaminants in the individual components of a frequently consumed composite dish, such as fish with vegetable garnish. Data were collected on so-called chemical cocktails with neurotoxic effects (mercury, including methyl mercury, selenium, cadmium, lead). Emphasis was put on the possible interaction of the pollutants. Monitoring actions clarify certain issues, but do not result in immediate action. However, the competent authorities are informed of any suspected violation of food regulations.

15 samples from all over Austria were examined.

  • No sample was objected to.

Health risks from exposure to a wide variety of combined contaminants, so-called "chemical cocktails," have increasingly become the focus of both risk assessment and risk management throughout the EU in recent years. In the course of the project "ChemCock - Assessment of the risk of chemical cocktails in food", financed by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK), it was established, among other things, that a health risk cannot be completely ruled out due to the simultaneous presence of several contaminants with a neurotoxic effect in a food. However, since the underlying calculations could so far only be kept very general due to insufficient data, it was important to collect data on a realistic exposure scenario, such as a dish typically consumed in Austria.

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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