Health for humans, animals & plants

Diversity to the power of three: bees - cereals - plant breeding


17:00 to 20:00



How agriculture and nature work together as a team to provide us with a richly laid table.

Which cereal is used to make popcorn? Why are there so many different pumpkins? Why is the bumblebee the ideal pollinator for tomatoes? We will answer these and other questions in the three-hour webinar on cereals, plant breeding and pollination.

Participants will gain exciting insights into the world of agricultural production and try out various teaching materials and games for primary schools, suitable for school use, directly in the webinar. These materials are provided free of charge and all originate from the Landwirt|schaf(f)t|Wissen project.


Learning objectives

  • Familiarisation with the agricultural production process
  • To learn about the topic of plant breeding
  • To familiarise children with the origin and variety of everyday foods
  • Suggestions for implementation in the classroom



Helene Berthold | Dr Linde Morawetz | DI Lydia Seelmann (all AGES)


Target group

Teachers for primary schools



Participation is free of charge.



Online webinar


Registration form

Please register at .



17:00 to 20:00



Last updated: 13.04.2023

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