Health for humans, animals & plants

Daughters' Day at the AGES

| 1 min read
Company Events

Choosing a career is a particular challenge for young people. For many years, AGES has therefore participated in Daughters' Day, which offers girls the opportunity to broaden their range of career choices and learn about training opportunities in future-oriented and non-traditional professions. Daughters' Day takes place on April 28.

Whether it is pathogens in animals, humans or plants, counterfeit medicines, residues in food, soil and seed testing or radiation protection: AGES is always involved in preventing and containing possible risks for humans, animals and plants and thus ensuring greater safety for consumers in Austria. To ensure this, AGES analyzes, monitors, researches and communicates 365 days a year.

At first glance, many of these occupational fields may not be considered typical for women; however, at AGES, they are performed to a large extent by women: in the laboratory, as an expert, in research or as an expert in national and international scientific committees.

This year's Daughters' Day offers insights into food testing, the world of plant pests, and an overview of the diverse job profiles for women at AGES. More information can be found here.

| 1 min read
Company Events

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