Health for humans, animals & plants

Cherry vinegar fly is in season

| 1 min read
Animal Plant Environment

Cherry vinegar flies are important pests in orchards and vineyards because they infest many different fruits. Their numbers increase significantly from July onwards.

The cherry vinegar fly originates from Asia. For about 15 years, it has spread rapidly in Europe, North and South America. Adult cherry vinegar flies occur throughout the year. From summer onwards (usually from July onwards) the number of individuals increases significantly and in autumn (September/October) the peak is reached.

Their larvae feed on a wide variety of ripening fruits: preferably sweet cherries, but also peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants and gooseberries, strawberries, hardy kiwis, elderberries, mulberries, dogwoods, persimmons, figs, table and wine grapes, tomatoes and melons. As a result, they are considered significant pests in fruit and wine growing.

At temperatures around + 25 °C, up to 15 generations can be formed per year. In Austria, five to seven generations per year can currently be expected due to the present temperatures. The multiplication rate depends mainly on climatic conditions, but also on the availability of host plants. Humid, warm conditions and the presence of appropriate host plants can lead to strong emergence up to mass reproduction within a very short time. On the other hand, dry and hot weather (temperatures above + 30 °C) has an unfavorable effect on their development.

Information on the cherry vinegar fly

| 1 min read
Animal Plant Environment

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