Health for humans, animals & plants

Action against African swine fever

| 1 min read

The domestic veterinary and customs authorities have confiscated around 8.2 tonnes of illegally imported and potentially dangerous meat products since the beginning of the year.

The domestic veterinary and customs authorities have stepped up their "Aktion scharf!" campaign and checked the unauthorised transport of animal products, particularly during holiday travel. Pork and sausage products from third countries in particular were searched for in order to prevent the introduction of African swine fever (ASF). Around 8.2 tonnes of illegally imported and potentially dangerous meat products from the Western Balkans and Moldova have been confiscated and disposed of properly since 1 January. All laboratory tests for the African swine fever virus have been negative. Currently, 13 countries in Europe are affected by ASF outbreaks. In particular, indirect imports of meat and meat products by people from the affected countries in southern and eastern Europe pose a major risk for Austria.

| 1 min read

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