Health for humans, animals & plants

Flavours and sugar content in non-alcoholic soft drinks and flavoured milk drinks for children - Monitoring

| 1 min read

Final report of the priority action A-021-23

The aim of the focus campaign was to determine which flavourings are used in drinks for infants (from the age of 2 to the age of 3) and children (from the age of 4 to the age of 12) and how high the sugar content is in the ready-to-drink products.

67 samples from all over Austria were analysed. No sample was rejected:

  • In the case of a vanilla preparation for school milk, a note was issued regarding the flavour composition

The investigation revealed that the quality of the flavourings used was highly consistent with their specification or labelling. With the exception of one sample, no defects were found in the composition of the flavourings.
The median sugar content of the soft drinks for infants and young children was significantly lower than that of mixed milk products and other soft drinks.

| 1 min read

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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