For (re-)entry into the EU from a non-listed third country, a blood test with determination of the rabies titre is required to prove the effectiveness of the rabies vaccination. (Transit through a third country - e.g. through Serbia when travelling by car from Austria to Greece - also counts as re-entry into the EU).
Important: the rabies titre must be at least 0.5 IU/ml and the blood sample must be taken no earlier than 30 days after vaccination! A longer period of time between vaccination and blood sampling is permitted, but the vaccination must still be valid at the time of sampling!
When re-entering the EU, a valid pet passport must be carried in which the valid rabies vaccination and also the serological rabies test are entered. Within Europe, the rabies titre determination is valid for the life of the animal, provided the vaccination schedule is adhered to.
The rabies titre test for entry into the EU may only be carried out in an EU-recognised laboratory. If the titre test is not carried out before leaving the EU or if you wish to enter the EU from a third country, an additional three-month waiting period must be observed before crossing the border!
- We are an accredited laboratory recognised by the EU(annual inspection by the EU).
- We are the national reference laboratory for rabies and for monitoring the effectiveness of the rabies vaccination (sound information based on knowledge of EU legislation).
- We are a listed recognised laboratory for entry into the USA, Japan, China and Taiwan
- Please note that we are a diagnostic institute, we do not take blood samples and are not responsible for the required travel documents.
Information on travelling with pets can be found under the following links:
Intra-Community movement (trade and travelling)
Federal Office for Consumer Health (BAVG): Travelling and re-entry from third countries
Sample quality & form
We are a diagnostic institute and are not responsible for taking blood samples or providing travel information. Your vet is responsible for taking the blood sample. He/she must also sign the completed rabies titre form and confirms the accuracy of the information with his/her signature.
Serum without the addition of anticoagulants is required for the test - quantity: at least 500µl "pure" serum or approx. 5ml whole blood. Please fill the correct blood tube from the start. Do not use LI-Heparin or EDTA tubes!
The serum can be stored in the refrigerator (4°C) for a short time (one week) or in the freezer (-20°C) for one month until transport. The quality of the sample may decrease slightly during this period. Transport should always take place in a refrigerated state (4°C or lower) (see also Sample packaging and transport).
Please fill out the form for the examination request completely and send it to the Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling. For samples from several pets, please complete a separate form for each animal and label the samples so that we can assign the correct sample to each form. The veterinarian is responsible for the accuracy of the data on the form. The vet who took the blood sample from the animal must sign the form (the pet owner's signature is invalid!). The veterinarian determines who should pay the invoice and whether the test report may be sent to the pet owner.
The application form for rabies antibody titre testing and other forms and information can be found here.
The data you provide will be transferred to the test report after testing has been completed. As the test report is a document (please keep it in a safe place!) and your pet is identified via this data, it is important that you enter the data correctly and, above all, legibly. Subsequent corrections are only possible to a limited extent and will be charged to you.
If possible, please provide your telephone number and e-mail address in case of queries. You can also add notes such as "Self-collector" or "Urgent" (only in really urgent cases!) to the form.
Sample packaging
Samples for rabies titre determination are animal blood that is subject to transport regulations - for submissions from third countries, the sample must be labelled as "Exempt Animal Specimen - Serum from a dog/cat" (= exempt veterinary sample). The sample containers must be labelled "For laboratory use only". The packaging must be three-layered.
You can find information about the correct way to send samples here - your transporter can also provide some information!
Attention: The sender is liable for improper packaging! The blood must/should be transported refrigerated (4°C and cooler).
Sample transport to the test laboratory
The transport of the blood (serum) sample to the institute is the responsibility of the pet owner - all costs incurred due to the transport, including the costs of border control (customs) or other taxes are to be paid by the owner. As the sender of the sample, make sure that "Sender" is ticked under "Transport costs" and "Duties and Taxes" in the transport documents and not "Recipient". If the sample is not correctly labelled, it will be returned to the sender and not examined!
Also check with the transport company whether the transport company is authorised to transport the sample - some transport companies accept the samples even though they are not authorised to transport them. The samples are then returned by return post at the EU border.
For samples from third countries, please ask us for the current notification for the transport of serological blood samples( You then enclose this (together with the completed and signed form) in the packaging with the samples.
You can also bring the sample to us yourself at any time and collect the test report from us in urgent cases (please note "self-collector" on the form!). We accept samples for rabies antibody testing not only on weekdays but also at weekends and on public holidays outside office hours - trained staff will take care of the samples properly until they are processed. The opening hours of the Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling can be found here.
Transport of the samples by aeroplane
If you are taking the serum sample from a third country by plane during a pre-travel stay in Austria, please note the following:
For samples from third countries, please ask us for the current notification for the transport of serological blood samples( You should then enclose this (together with the completed and signed form) in the packaging with the samples and show it to the customs officials carrying out the checks
Please choose the red exit at the airport to have a customs check carried out - otherwise you will be committing a customs offence! The blood samples intended for rabies antibody testing at IVET Mödling do not have to be declared to our Biorisk Officer (BRO)! (Please also observe the packaging instructions for the correct dispatch of samples).
Investigation period
Our preparation days are Monday and Wednesday, whereby samples must be received in the laboratory by the evening before the preparation day. We always endeavour to process all submissions as quickly as possible. As a rule, every sample can be analysed within 1.5 weeks after it arrives at the laboratory (apart from public holidays such as Christmas). However, we need at least 5 working days to send the results by post. The test report will be sent to the submitting veterinarian or, with consent, to the animal owner by post and, if an e-mail address is provided, also by e-mail. (NEW: From 2025, we will charge a fee for issuing certificates and invoices to the owner due to the higher administrative effort).
ATTENTION: the postal transport of the sample to the laboratory can take a week in Austria and the postal dispatch of the test report also takes time!
Therefore, please bring the samples to the laboratory in good time (3-4 weeks before travelling).
Does it have to be quick? - You can also bring the sample to us yourself at any time (for opening hours see Institute for Veterinary Medical Examinations Mödling) and collect the test report from us in urgent cases (please note "self-collector" on the form!). We accept samples for rabies antibody testing not only on weekdays, but also at weekends and on public holidays outside office hours - trained staff store the samples properly until they are processed. You can also collect the test report on public holidays and after closing time.
We also offer express tests. These can be carried out - after consultation with the laboratory and with advance notice - in addition to the routine preparation days. Please tick the 'Express delivery' box on the examination form. The express surcharge is 100% of the currently valid price.
For citizens with an EU address:
Each sample costs € 93.96 (price incl. 20 % VAT). You will receive an invoice with the results.
For citizens with an address outside the EU:
Each sample costs € 78.30. The costs must be paid in before testing for citizens with an address outside the EU. We will not test until we receive a scan of the payment receipt.
Please note: The express surcharge is 100 % on top of the current price.
Please keep the test report in a safe place. We charge a special rate (€34.56 incl. 20% VAT) for the reissue! The same special rate will also be charged for invoicing/issuing the owner from 2025 due to the high administrative effort involved. We ask for your understanding.
Bank account:
AGES GmbH Vet Med Moedling
Bank code number: 60 000
Account number: 000 9605 1513
IBAN: AT 85 6000 0000 9605 1513
Test laboratory & contact
Address of the testing laboratory:
Please send the sample only with the completed form to the following address:
AGES Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling
Robert Kochgasse 17
Contact form for information on rabies antibody determination or
Tel: +435055538112
Please do not use any other e-mail addresses or telephone numbers. You can also bring the sample to us yourself at any time and collect the test report from us in urgent cases (please note "self-collector" on the form!). We accept samples for rabies antibody testing not only on weekdays, but also at weekends and on public holidays outside office hours - trained staff will take care of the samples properly until they are processed. The opening hours of the Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling can be found here.
Important links to travel information
We cannot give you any advice on travelling to your holiday destination. Please enquire about the entry requirements for pets from non-European countries at the embassy of the country you are travelling to. Motorists' clubs also have useful information on their websites. General information for re-entry into the EU can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection.
Further important information from the BMSGPK:
Travelling abroad (
Travelling to Austria (
Entering and re-entering Austria with pets from third countries
Information on the illegal puppy trade can be found on the homepage of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber.
FAQ on rabies antibody testing
I am going on holiday - where can I find information about the (entry) regulations for my holiday destination?
Please enquire at the embassy of your holiday destination about the entry requirements. This concerns, among other things, certificates, examinations, deadlines for examinations, etc. When travelling by car, you must also observe the entry requirements of the countries you are passing through (e.g. holidays in Greece - transit through Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia...). A good information portal is also the portal of the motorists' clubs (e.g. ÖAMTC Länderinfo). Please note, however, that the relevant information on non-official websites is only non-binding information and that laws can change at short notice - you should therefore also obtain information from the official authorities in your holiday destination (e.g. the embassy).
For most third countries and for re-entry into the EU, the rabies titer test is valid for the life of the animal. Therefore, have the rabies titre test carried out in good time - this will save you, your vet and us the stress before you travel.
My dog or cat was on holiday with me in a non-EU country - can I return to Austria with the animal without further ado?
Dogs, cats and ferrets originating from Austria or other EU Member States may re-enter from all third countries if each animal is accompanied by
- a pet passport is carried, in which
- the valid rabies vaccination and additionally
- the serological rabies test is entered. If a serological rabies test is not entered in the pet passport, a confirmation of the serological rabies test must be presented in addition to the pet passport
In the case of re-entry of an animal whose pet passport shows that the serological rabies test was carried out with a positive result (rabies titre≥ 0.5 IU/ml) before this animal left the territory of the European Union, the waiting period of three months between blood collection and movement is not necessary.
When is the 3-month deadline?
- when importing an animal from a third country: The blood sample (reference date: blood collection date) for rabies antibody determination must be taken at least thirty days after vaccination and at least three months before the animal is moved from the third country. The titer determination must be carried out in a laboratory authorised by the EU
- In the case of re-entry of an animal whose pet passport shows that the serological rabies test was not carried out before the animal left the territory of the European Union, the waiting period of three months between blood collection and movement is necessary. Exception: A declaration in accordance with Article 12(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 is submitted stating that only one transit has taken place through the states or territories not listed above and that the animal has had no contact with animals of species susceptible to rabies during this transit and has not left a secured means of transport or the premises of an international airport (in practice, this is the only reason if the animal has spent time in the transfer area in the third country - anything else is difficult for the authority to verify). This declaration must be issued in German and English and completed in block letters
How long is the certificate of rabies antibody determination (= serological rabies test, rabies titre determination) valid?
Valid for the EU: The serological rabies test does not need to be repeated for an animal in which the vaccination is revaccinated at the specified intervals; i.e. the animal must be revaccinated regularly and at the specified intervals (intervals depending on the manufacturer's instructions) (no day without a valid vaccination). The vaccination or the serological rabies test remains valid under these circumstances.
If the booster vaccination is given after the expiry of the period specified by the approval of the vaccine, this vaccination is considered a new basic immunisation and the rabies titre test must be repeated if this test is required for a holiday destination or re-entry into the EU.
Please enquire at the relevant embassy regarding the regulations for travelling to non-EU countries.
I would like to import a dog/cat from a third country into the EU. What do I need? Where can I get information?
For (re-)entry into the EU from a non-listed third country, a blood test with determination of the rabies titer is required to prove the effectiveness of the rabies vaccination (transit through a third country - e.g. through Serbia when travelling by car from Austria to Greece - is also considered re-entry into the EU).
Can I come in with my pet for a blood test?
We are a diagnostic institute and are not responsible for taking blood samples or providing travel information. Your vet is responsible for taking the blood sample. He/she must also sign the completed rabies titre form and confirms the accuracy of the information with his/her signature.
Is your certificate valid in other countries?
Our institute in Mödling is the only Austrian national reference laboratory for rabies and for testing the effectiveness of rabies vaccination. The appointment was made by the authority, the responsible ministry; it is an EU-recognised laboratory for rabies serology and as such is checked annually in the form of ring tests. As an EU-recognised laboratory, the procedure must also comply with international standards and the procedure must also be accredited in accordance with EN ISO 17025. An audit is carried out annually in our laboratory to verify this accreditation. The certificate from an EU-recognised laboratory is valid worldwide. We are also a recognised laboratory for Japan and China.
We only issue certificates for tests carried out by us. We do not confirm or rewrite certificates from other institutes!
How can I bring the sample to Austria?
The transport of the blood sample to the institute is the responsibility of the pet owner - all costs incurred due to the transport, including the costs of border control (customs) or other taxes are to be paid by the owner. As the sender of the sample, make sure that "Sender:in" is ticked under "Transport costs" and "Duties and Taxes" in the transport documents and not "Recipient:in". If the sample is not properly labelled, it will be returned to the sender and not analysed!
How do I send samples from a third country so that they arrive at our laboratory in a usable condition?
The serum can be stored in the refrigerator (4 °C) for a short time (one week) or in the freezer (-20 °C) for one month until transport. The quality of the sample may decrease slightly during this period. Transport should always take place in a refrigerated state (4 °C or lower) (see also sample packaging and transport).
How long can I store a sample? Can I freeze the sample?
The serum can be stored in the refrigerator (4 °C) for a short time (one week) or in the freezer (-20 °C) for one month until transport. The quality of the sample may decrease slightly during this period. Transport should always take place in a refrigerated state (4 °C or lower) (see also sample packaging and transport).
How much blood/serum does the laboratory need for the test? Which tube do I use?
At least 5 ml of blood or 1 ml of serum in a blood tube (usually a red blood tube) without anticoagulants. In principle, any blood tube that is sterile, non-breakable and has no anticoagulant coating will do. Please label the blood tube clearly and legibly with a waterproof pen. The labelling of the tube must be clearly identifiable with your animal's sample form - e.g. labelling with the animal's microchip number or animal name. This is particularly important if more than one sample is taken.
What influence does the sample quality have on the test procedure?
Ensure that the sample is correctly packaged and cooled during transport. Failure to do so may result in a reduction of antibodies in the sample. Do not leave the sample lying around, keep it in the refrigerator at 4 °C until dispatch or freeze it immediately (-20 °C). We have no influence on the sampling, storage and transport of test items provided or sent in by the client. The test result relates exclusively to the test item handed over and the scope of the tests performed. Please only send us blood/serum of good quality.
When can I have blood taken after my last rabies vaccination?
Important: the rabies titre must be at least 0.5 IU/ml and the blood sample must be taken no earlier than 30 days after vaccination ! A longer period of time between vaccination and blood sampling is permitted, but the vaccination must still be valid at the time of sampling!
How long does the rabies titre test take?
Our preparation days are Monday and Wednesday, whereby samples must be received in the laboratory by the evening before the preparation day. We always endeavour to process all submissions as quickly as possible. As a rule, every sample can be analysed within 1.5 weeks after it arrives at the laboratory (apart from public holidays such as Christmas). However, we need at least 5 working days to send the results by post. The test report will be sent to the submitting veterinarian or, with consent, to the animal owner by post and, if an e-mail address is provided, also by e-mail. (NEW: From 2025, we will charge a fee due to the high administrative effort involved in issuing the findings and invoice to the owner).
What does the examination cost? Can I pay directly at the institute when I collect my test report?
It is not possible to pay for the test directly at the institute. Pet owners/veterinarians with an EU address will receive a payment slip with the test report (the invoice details can be found on the invoice). Pet owners/veterinarians from third countries must pay in advance and, at best, scan us the payment receipt. The current costs and bank details can be found here.
Can I have the data on the form changed?
The microchip is the actual proof of a pet's identity - not the name, not the breed. This allows us to correct data, e.g. spelling mistakes (dog name, owner details).
The microchip number and the date of the blood sample cannot be changed.
The vaccination date can only be corrected upon presentation/scan of the pet passport.
Vets who sign our completed rabies titre form are liable for the accuracy of the data. Please complete the form legibly and check that the data is correct. The test report is a document - it may not be recognised at the border if there are discrepancies. Therefore, please check the data immediately upon receipt of the inspection report and report any discrepancies to us.
Can I bring the sample by?
You can also bring the sample to us yourself at any time and collect the test report from us in urgent cases (please note "self-collector" on the form!). We accept samples for rabies antibody testing not only on weekdays, but also at weekends and on public holidays outside office hours - trained staff will take care of the samples properly until they are processed. The opening hours of the Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling can be found here.
How do I get the test report?
The test report will be sent to the submitting veterinarian or, with consent, to the animal owner by post and, if an e-mail address is provided, also by e-mail. (NEW: From 2025 we will charge a fee due to the high administrative effort involved in issuing the findings and invoice to the owner).
Can I collect the test report myself?
You can also bring the sample to us yourself at any time and collect the test report from us in urgent cases (please note "self-collector" on the form!). We accept samples for rabies antibody testing not only on weekdays, but also at weekends and on public holidays outside office hours - trained staff will take care of the samples properly until they are processed. The opening hours of the Institute for Veterinary Examinations Mödling can be found here.
I live in a third country where Swiss Post cannot deliver the test report - what do I do?
We can also send the test report with the address of the third country by post to an address within the EU where you can collect it. You must write the address on the rabies titer form and also the address of the third country (this is then on the letterhead of the test report or is also the billing address). As this is a third country address, the test must also be paid for in advance in this case.
If desired, we can also send the test report via an international shipping company, but this must be organised and paid for by the sender.
It is best to clarify in advance with our service centre what options are available.
What do I have to consider when vaccinating so that I can take a valid rabies titer test?
The vaccination valid for the rabies titre test (= rabies antibody determination) must be carried out after the microchip has been implanted. Data regarding microchip implantation and vaccination can be found in the pet passport or must be entered there. The vaccine must be an EU-recognised vaccine and the vaccination intervals prescribed by the manufacturer apply. According to the manufacturer's data, puppies can usually only be vaccinated at 4 months of age. If the mother has been vaccinated against rabies, the puppy (dog) will have maternal rabies antibodies after birth. These are broken down after birth. Depending on the animal, the vaccine antibodies may also be broken down, resulting in a titre of less than 0.5 IU/ml. For this reason, most vets administer a further vaccination (= booster) after a waiting period following the first vaccination. Cats react differently to rabies vaccines and usually have a high titre after the first rabies vaccination.
Last updated: 24.03.2025
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