National reference laboratory for bee health

The National Reference Laboratory for Bee Health is part of the Apiculture and Bee Protection Department of AGES. The tasks of the reference laboratory include testing for notifiable and non-notifiable diseases and pests of honey bees. Other tasks include participation in national and international research projects as well as counselling and training activities in the field of bee health and bee science. In the course of its activities, the National Reference Laboratory for Bee Health liaises closely with European institutions in the field of bee health. In particular, co-operation with the EU Reference Laboratory for Bee Health and the European Network of National Reference Laboratories promotes the exchange of information and supports both the establishment and further development of methods in the field of bee health.

Our services

  • Official tests for notifiable bee diseases and pests
  • Private tests for bee diseases and pests

Official investigations

The reporting obligation in accordance with EU Animal Health Law Regulation (EU) 2016/429 (AHL) and Delegated Regulation 2018/1629 applies to

  • Infestation with Varroa spp. (varroosis)
  • Infestation with Aethina tumida (small hive beetle)
  • American foulbrood
  • Infestation with Tropilaelaps spp.

The report must be submitted immediately to the competent district administrative authority (= district authority or municipal authority) depending on the location of the affected apiary. The official veterinarians then order the inspection and sampling by the bee experts or carry this out themselves, enter the data into the Veterinary Information System (VIS) and forward the samples to the Bee Science and Bee Protection Department as the responsible testing centre.

For details on sampling, sample size, packaging and dispatch of official samples, please refer to the information sheet "Submission of official samples" available in the download area.

Private sample submission

For private orders, enclose a written test order (form: "Private test order") with the samples and send the samples to:

AGES Institute for Seed and Seedlings, Plant Protection Service and Bees
Apiculture and Bee Protection Department
Spargelfeldstraße 191
1220 Vienna

Please click here for detailed directions.

Alternatively, samples can also be handed in personally on weekdays during the following times: Monday to Thursday from 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm and Friday from 9am to 12pm or by appointment by calling +43 50 555-33127.
For details on sample types, sample size, packaging and shipping, please refer to the information sheet "Submission of private samples" available in the download area. You will also find our price list for tests for bee diseases and pests as well as honey pollen analyses.


DI Hemma Köglberger

Last updated: 11.02.2025

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