National Reference Laboratory for Additives for Use in Animal Nutrition- Approval

Commission Regulation (EC) No 378/2005 regulates the tasks and duties of the Community Reference Laboratory in relation to applications for the authorization of feed additives.

In the application for authorization, applicants must describe, among other things, a suitable method for the analysis of the active substance of the feed additive in feed, premixtures and in the original product, which is subject to scientific evaluation by a rapporteur laboratory. The national reference laboratories are required to assist in the preparation of the evaluation report on the method, to assess the suitability of this method for use in official control and to report their opinion to the European Reference Laboratory (EU-RL) in Geel. Further tasks are reporting and cooperation with the EU-RL and the National Reference Laboratories from other EU member states as well as testing, development and validation of analytical methods.

In Austria, the Institute for Animal Nutrition and Feed of AGES in Vienna is designated for this task.

Our services

  • Evaluation of methods and preparation of reports (initial reports) for the EU reference laboratory in Geel (Belgium)
  • Commenting on evaluation reports
  • Provision of expertise
  • Supporting the national competent authorities and ensuring a smooth flow of information


DI Irmengard Strnad

Last updated: 23.07.2024

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